By understanding the various initiatives around the globe, and what failed and what succeeded, financial |
Following an initial wave of mobile transaction initiatives at the turn of the century, developers are again active in bringing mobile transaction services to market. The technological evolution of the mobile device and mobile networks, coupled with increased end-user savvy, has led to an increase in mobile transaction initiatives over the past five years. By understanding the various initiatives around the globe and what failed and what succeeded, financial institutions and other players can better tailor their own solutions.
"Card networks, financial institutions, mobile operators and industry associations can separate hype from reality by not focusing on mobile transaction initiatives that are purely vendor-driven," says Nick Holland, senior analyst with Aite Group and author of this report. "One of the most critical questions that any stakeholder can ask of a 'new' mobile transaction initiative is this: 'Who has done this already and what was the outcome?' Invariably, any mobile transaction initiative will already have been done elsewhere. To state that is has not, means that due diligence has not been performed adequately."
This 41-page Impact Report contains 32 figures. Clients of Aite Group's Retail Banking service can download the report
by clicking on the icon to the right.